We are a group of indie authors working together to promote our books as well as support other independently published writers.
On our pages you will find full length novels as well as short stories.
An edge of what? An edge of kink, an edge of sadism, an edge of mystery, an edge of romance! Our books aren't everyone's cup of tea but if you like your books a little more on the extreme side, if you like books that don't shy away from difficult subjects such as rape, racism or domestic abuse then you are in the right place! If you like your books with lots of dirty, kinky sex or a touch of sadism then you are definitely in the right place!
Many of our books explore ddlg, Dom and sub relationships and bdsm. If you are in the ddlg community and are looking for books to help you or your little enjoy little space, we also offer adult fairytales and coloring books.
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