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Interview with Sam Evans, author of gay, erotic BDSM stories, now available in a single volume

 author of gay, erotic BDSM stories

An Interview with Sam Evans – author


Q – Why do you choose to continually write on the single theme of Corporal Punishment.


It is a subject popular with men and some women. It has been a source of fascination for me all my life. It is something I experienced at school as a child and since into adulthood. I learned some time back to write about what you know. In addition, there is a lot of very poor writing in this genre. I do not pull any punches and I write from experience.


Q – What prompted you to start writing.


As long as 30 years ago, I wrote what was probably considered an essay about an event which took place at school when I was 15. That event has remained with me ever since. It took place at school after everyone had gone home. I was summoned to see the headmaster when school had finished. Just myself and himself in his office with the door closed. I was caned for an offence I had been involved in. Other boys had already suffered the consequences and I was in the clear. I chose to admit my involvement and I was about to pay the price. That short summary was adapted into my first book. The Headmaster’s Office. That is largely a true story. True in the sense that it was factual up to a certain point in the book, then true thereafter because of an ongoing fantasy which was re enacted throughout my adult life.


Q – You speak of writing from experience, can you expand on that?


After leaving school I continued to show an interest in corporal punishment. I read up on the subject and sought anything I could find on the subject. I had always been attracted to the female bottom. I had girlfriends and in general I spanked them all. Nothing cruel, mostly playful and few objected. This led me to buying men’s magazines and it was those photographs of the female bottom which attracted me most. I found adverts at the rear of the magazine, and one mentioned a contact magazine for people interested in corporal punishment. There was also Forum Magazine which had similar adverts. I was well into my thirties, married with children when I first made contact with other men. Those who administered corporal punishment.


Q – You visited those men?


Yes, and one in particular lived in a narrow street in Ealing, west London. His name became synonymous with my pen name, Sam Evans. The surname of my soon to be reborn headmaster was Evans, I will not give his first name even though he is long dead. He advertised seeking young men in need of strict discipline. I took an afternoon off from work and travelled to his home. He was a small owlish man with glasses and always wore a grey track suit. He operated as a Samaritan several times a week and I suspect he found this as a rich source of material to carry out his activities in an upstairs apartment. He was a friendly, kindly man, that is until he had you spread eagled on a single bed with just a mattress and a central mound over which one was secured naked by wrists and ankles. This presented bared buttocks which he caned from both sides of the bed. It was a vicious caning and the whole visit is described in detail in The Appointment. A true story in every detail.


Q – Did you visit women?


Yes, eventually. I struck gold immediately. I won’t mention her name, sadly she died some years ago. She advertised and I had a telephone interview with her on the same day Andy Murray won his first Wimbledon title. She was very detailed in her questioning. Eventually I visited her at a purpose build location just outside Reading. There after meeting her and answering still more questions over a cup of tea, we had the first of many unforgettable sessions. I’ve had some thrashings from men, she was right up there with the best. We became good friends; we were both married and nothing sexual took place. It is fair to say most men who visit women for such activities can fall in love with their tormentor. I loved this woman and there was mutual affection. I was heartbroken when she died of cancer, and I am proud to say I was the last person to see her. At her request we didn’t remain in contact in the weeks leading up to her death. The final goodbye was very emotional, and I feel this now as I write. Generally, the women engaged in this activity hadnt a clue. I met two others after her and we keep in touch although not actively now.


Q – Describe your main characters.


I don’t have a main character. I have a type. A profile character. I often try to write my books from both points of view. That of the person seeking corporal punishment and the person who will carry it out. This is easy for me having operated on both sides of the fence as it were. I have caned both men and women and received it from both sexes too. I do not write about women engaged in this activity from either perspective. It has been 100% focused on men. I suspect that is what my readers prefer. I pass on my ideas to Sadie Stern who writes across the spectrum. I plan to summarise my meetings with the lady who died and maybe she will write a book I feel I can’t bring myself to write.

In several titles it has centred around a strict dominant man who seeks young men through advertising, those involved answer advertisements. The Castigation is set out that was as is A Tale of Corporal Punishment, and The English Vice. Differently are those who are sought out by the dominant central figure. These are now grown men who were acquainted with that strict person at a much younger age and having sensed this would continue into later life they are sought out and invited to continue their acquaintance. This features in Reunion with the Devil and The Retired Headmaster.


Q – Do you have a specific approach when writing a book.


Firstly, I do not plan. I have no need for research. Many books on this subject are poor because they seem 100% based on research. I do not believe this is a subject that lends itself to research. There is one very famous book, which became a film. It leapt to high sales rankings because it appealed mostly to women, but having read it I surmised its author hadn’t a clue about the subject. Often, many books I have read on this matter feel the same. It’s the classic fade to black in a love scene. What continues is behind closed doors when I feel the reader actually wishes to sit in and view!

One other issue I found, especially the first book, The Headmaster’s Office, I was faced with describing the caning of a 15 yr old boy. This creates a huge dilemma. Most publishers, Amazon in particular will not sanction anything suggesting activity with a minor. The next difficulty is fencing with the different ages of consent between the UK and US. 16, and 18 years of age respectively. I overcame this by making this event a reflection by an older man driving to an appointment where he reminisces over this earlier event. Amazon are strict about that consent age and come down hard on the age of 18 and over. Thus, all my books, with the exception of that first book centre around adult corporal punishment.

My aim is to create a book of around 15 – 20k words. Nothing less because I feel the length of some books shortchange the reader.


Q – You have written 7 books; do you plan to write more.


Probably. Possibly allowing females into my storyline. This without treading on the sweet toes of Sadie Stern, a friend and fellow author who also writes from experience. She has written many more books than me. Visit and look her up.


Thank you

Sam Evans - author of gay, erotic BDSM stories.

Now available as a combined volume of all 7 books at Amazon

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